May Arboretum Society Endowment Fund


The purpose of the May Arboretum Society Endowment Fund is to support in perpetuity the arboretum and to support future educational programming, operations, and Arboretum personnel. It is our hope that this Fund will assist in fulfilling the mission of the Society and the mission of the arboretum for generations to come. The long-term goal is to build a $20 million endowment to generate annual interest of $1 million to ensure consistency and sustainability of the arboretum. This security will allow the focus to be placed on building-out the Arboretum’s Implementation Plan.

The Endowment Fund is managed by a fiduciary, CIBC Private Management.

In addition to general donations from individuals and businesses, the May Arboretum Society may accept IRA non-qualified cash donations as well as donations from foundations. We encourage you to read the Endowment Fund  brochure to learn more about the Endowment Fund and its purpose.

Tribute Giving

Make a tribute or mark life’s milestones by adopting or planting a tree, installing an engraved brick, purchasing a garden bench, or sponsoring the maintenance and beautification of one of our existing gardens. We will notify the designee of your donation.

Planned Giving

Create an enduring legacy by including the May Arboretum and Botanical Garden in your estate plans. Bequests may be done through a will or living trust. One significant benefit of making a gift by bequest is that it allows you to continue to use the property you will leave to May Arboretum Society Endowment Fund during your life. Another benefit is that you are able to leave a lasting legacy.

Legacy Circle

The Legacy Circle honors those donors who have included the May Arboretum Society Endowment Fund in their estate planning. If you’re among those who have included our endowment fund in your estate plans, we wish to express our gratitude by inviting you to become a member of The Legacy Circle.

To ensure that your wishes are carried out, please complete the Legacy Circle enrollment form. It will provide us with an understanding on whether you wish to be honored in our Legacy Circle, listed as a planned giving donor in our annual report and other publications or remain anonymous, and whether or not you would like to leave your gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one.

Make a Donation

to the May Arboretum Society Endowment Fund