Holiday Amaryllis Bulb Sale

About Amaryllis

Amaryllis is popular at Christmas due to the colorful blooms that brighten up a winter landscape. The red and white blooms are well-suited for Christmas gifts and the immense blossoms enhance holiday decorations.

Many festive varieties of amaryllis are available, some with stories that can be associated with Christmas themes. A hybrid amaryllis, ‘St. Joseph’s Staff,’ was introduced in the 16th century, according to online resource The African Garden. St. Joseph’s Staff is a reference to the legend that St. Joseph was chosen to become husband to the Virgin Mary after his staff sprouted amaryllis flowers during the selection process conducted by a high priest. The name, amaryllis, is derived from the Greek word that means “to sparkle,” and its botanical name, Hippeastrum, is Greek for “knight star.”

Sold out! See you next year!